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Re: ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
Mon, 11 Jan 2010 05:10:20 GMT
14803 times
In lugnet.dacta, Brian Bachmeier wrote:

The updated program works perfectly. At first I thought there was another issue
because one of the outputs (B) on the CLI with the touch sensor also went on....
but after checking the code I see you added that little surprise also (motorB on
CLI with touch sensor goes forward, motorA on other CLIs goes On Left).

Thanks very much for sharing your work.  I can definitely imagine a lot of
different applications (train layouts with automated swtiches, lego contraptions
with many lights and motors etc).

I am not a Visual Basic expert but have written some simple programs in the
past, and the ability to easily program a nice windows interface is great.

Are you planning to put together some documentation (commands, declarations,

Let me know if there is anything that I can help you out with, testing or


Thank you for your quick feedback Brian.

Indeed, I added the Output 2 that follows the switch connected to the same CLI.
I did it while correcting the mistake you pointed out.
I actually have a lego light connected on this output 2...

I am planning in my spare time to build a PDF document that will explain all
Methods, Properties, declarations, sample program...).  I might start with a
quick guide that list the Methods and Properties first and I will improve the
document regularly with more explanations and images...

I will update the BOX folder regularly and post msg here about significant

I am glad it works with 2 CLIs.  I hope the response time was as good as one
CLI.  The interest for this VB.NET project, according to me, is really the
possibility to build a program that controls multiple CLIs to increase the the
quantities of I/Os while keeping a fast response time.

Thanks again!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
(...) The updated program works perfectly. At first I thought there was another issue because one of the outputs (B) on the CLI with the touch sensor also went on.... but after checking the code I see you added that little surprise also (motorB on (...) (15 years ago, 11-Jan-10, to lugnet.dacta)

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