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Re: ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
Sun, 10 Jan 2010 06:08:43 GMT
17592 times

I just added a demo file in the folder
It is called and contains the installable test application
for multiple (Max 3) CLIs.

I would appreciate if someone could try it with 2 or 3 CLIs at the same time and
give me some feedback.  I have only one CLI and cannot test this Multiple CLI
control feature.

Once installed, start the application, Select Com ports for the CLIs that are
connected to your PC.  Don't forget to put a "Checkmark" to the port you want to

Press Start CLIs.  Pressing a Switch on port1 of any CLI will start motors on
port 1 of other CLIs.  Release the switch to stop motor(s).

Ex., If you use 3 CLIs, pressing a Switch on Port 1 of of CLI#1 will start
Motors on port 1 of CLI#2 and CLI#3.  A switch on port 1 of CLI#2 will
start/stop motors on CLI#1 & 3.

Thank you for your feedback.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
(...) I did some quick testing on the LegoMultiCLI program that you posted. I was able to connect two CLIs to my computer as follows: CLI 1: connected to COM1 serial port CLI 2: connected to COM6 (using USB to Serial adaptor) I ran the program and (...) (15 years ago, 10-Jan-10, to lugnet.dacta)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
(...) Hi Brian, I will prepare a simple installable demo that will support multiple Interfaces. I will transfer it soon to the same url of the other demo and source files from my first post. Indeed, this interface is pretty old. But for fixed (...) (15 years ago, 10-Jan-10, to lugnet.dacta)

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