Re: ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
Sun, 10 Jan 2010 17:20:20 GMT
18404 times
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In lugnet.dacta, Jetro de Chateau wrote:
> Thanks a lot for sharing. I have one of these interfaces but my main problem
> with it (using Robolab) has always been the incredibly slow response to inputs
> (press a touch sensor and wait about 1 second for the motor to stop).
> Can you tell me anything about response times in your program?
> Jetro
Hi Jetro,
This is the exact reason why I started this project.
I did try Robolab (V5.1 I think) and was very disappointed about the time
Of course, If people don't know about Visual Basic (VB), there is some learning
if they want to use the proposed DLL in their own projects since it is NOT as
easy as Lego Logo or any graphical programming langugage.
But still, The VB certainly brings more power and you can build a pretty User
Interface with buttons and lights on your computer screen...
If you try my Installable Demos (Using the Setup), I did set the Scan Time to 50
ms which is very Fast. If you open the source of the Demos in VB.NET, you can
change this Scan Time to whatever you want.
The Demo 2 will give you a good idea of the response time at 50 ms since the
Output 1 follows the status of a switch connected to input 1.
The installable versions (setup) of the demos don't request to have VB.NET
installed, but you need to have MS .NET Framework 3.5 sp1 (free) which you might
already have. If demo 2 or 3 don't install, proceed to the installation of Demo
(1) first.
I believe I've read somewhere that the CLI sends updates of its inputs about
sixty times per second. So, I guess that a scan time of about 15-20 ms is the
fastest you can get for a user program.
Give some feedback if you try it.
Thank you.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: ControlLab 70909 Interface (9751?) VB.NET Class (DLL)
| (...) That sounds very promising! I have absolutely no idea about VB. My idea was to build something for a display at a LUG event which would require the interface to be connected to a laptop. Unfortunately, the only laptop I have that has a serial (...) (15 years ago, 10-Jan-10, to lugnet.dacta)
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