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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 864
863  |  865
Re: Last minute scan before it gets packed into a box...
Thu, 3 May 2001 15:59:57 GMT
727 times
In, Richard Marchetti writes:
Hey Y'all:

This is a last minute scan of something I have been toying with in between
packing all of my other Lego for a move I must make.  Take a look at the
shockingly poor quality of the MOC scan at:

O yeah, that's what Cam of Alpha Team looks like sans microphone -- well, if
she was a castle babe, that is...

Castle Blacktron is hereby set even further back in my "to do" list. Sadly...


-- Hop-Frog

Hehe... nice scene, Richard.

I've done the same with Cam, as well, but I haven't put her into my castle
theme because I haven't decided if my society has developed enough to invent
corrective lenses, yet. hehe. :)

If you check my brickshelf account, you'll see my use - but it's under my
space creations under characters.

Very nice, work, sir -- I'm intrigued by the female blacktron body -- is
that a sticker/decal or did you paint? Do you have a template? Would you be
willing to share it? :) Questions abound!

Joel J

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Last minute scan before it gets packed into a box...
(...) See: (URL) sites are claiming eyewear existed at least as early as the 10th century -- seems like a castle era to me, even if a little late. Castle Blacktron time and technology will work a little differently, but first I have to finish (...) (24 years ago, 3-May-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Last minute scan before it gets packed into a box...
Hey Y'all: This is a last minute scan of something I have been toying with in between packing all of my other Lego for a move I must make. Take a look at the shockingly poor quality of the MOC scan at: (URL) yeah, that's what Cam of Alpha Team looks (...) (24 years ago, 3-May-01, to

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