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Re: Some Photos of Brickfest Castle Room!
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 15:30:33 GMT
524 times
In lugnet.castle, Erik Olson writes:
Here are 56 photos I took in the Castle room at Brickfest. I didn't get to
photograph every MOC, and some pictures didn't turn out, but you can catch
part of the experience at this temporary URL (hastily organized and
unedited.) Hold onto your jaw.

The thumbnails expand to 1280x960 generally.

Rockin!  Thanks!  Some things that stood out, to my mind:

  Holy Hordes of Mongols, Batman - Lego yurts!!!!!  These are so freakin cool!

  Woohoo!  I can pretend I was there!  (those are my Blank Shields wandering
around in this shot!)  And that (church?  meeting hall? whatever?) is very
cool.  Does a side-shot exist of it?

  Cool trees.  I like trees that tower over minifigs. :)

  I really like how non-linear this is.  And the battlements look very good
to me; I'm not sure why exactly, but they seem very realistic to me.

  Cool little shops & houses.  I really wish I'd been there to see them
better. :/  Is that a jousting lane in the background?

  Nice houses.  The non-boxness of the first one is very real-looking.

  Wow. Just.... wow.  This really captures the feel of a medieval feast.
Now I want a time machine so I can go to Brickfest! :(

Augh!  There's more pages of pictures!  This just isn't fair!  I'm going to
leave off commenting for now, and just go drool over them.

Looks like it was a lot of fun, everybody!  Fantastic stuff.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Some Photos of Brickfest Castle Room!
(...) <snip> (...) <snip> (...) James, The picture referenced above is my Castle Wall Component System (with the addition of Shiri Dori's Inn). It is intentionally non-linerer (skewed toward organic design). My intention for it's creation was that (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Some Photos of Brickfest Castle Room!
(...) Unfortunatley I was real pressed for time so only about 2/3 of the Blank Shields got placed. I think Shiri placed a few more beyond what I had placed. I placed them in squads of three scattered around. (...) The tree situation was very much (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Some Photos of Brickfest Castle Room!
Here are 56 photos I took in the Castle room at Brickfest. I didn't get to photograph every MOC, and some pictures didn't turn out, but you can catch part of the experience at this temporary URL (hastily organized and unedited.) Hold onto your jaw. (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)

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