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 Castle / 7905
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Re: Book I of the Hillsfar Chronicles: A Friend Returns
Newsgroups:, lugnet.castle
Mon, 19 Feb 2001 21:16:29 GMT
66 times
In, Chris Maddison writes:
Hi all, after about a year of just sitting around, reading everyone else's
marvelous stories and ballads, I decided I had to do one too.  The pictures
for this story were taken with Shiri's digicam when she was here last week.
I apologize ahead of time for the fuzzy pics; those were the ones I took.
:-)  So, without further ado, I give you...


Good story!  I've always like the "gathering of old friends" concept.  Old
warriors always have good tales to tell.

Can't wait for more.

Message is in Reply To:
  Book I of the Hillsfar Chronicles: A Friend Returns
Hi all, after about a year of just sitting around, reading everyone else's marvelous stories and ballads, I decided I had to do one too. The pictures for this story were taken with Shiri's digicam when she was here last week. I apologize ahead of (...) (24 years ago, 16-Feb-01, to, lugnet.castle) !! 

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