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 Castle / 7122
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Re: Castle set rating curiosity
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 17:12:35 GMT
736 times
In lugnet.castle, Bianca Nebab writes:
No, it looks like someone (or a different someone in each case, possibly)
cast a "0" rating for some--not all--of theCastle sets.  I'm certainly not
complaining, since everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  But it is a
curiosity without a context for the rating, since there don't seem to be any
negative comments in the comments sections.  In my own opinion, those are
some of the best sets in LEGO period, much less just in the Castle theme.
Some I would even rate as high or higher than Big Yellow (only 6085 is a bit
too baroque for my tastes).


Ya, I'd noticed this too, and wondered about it.  My instinct is similar to
Dave's - that someone went through and marked down the castle "theme"for
some reason.  Or possibly someone thought the aggregate rating on them was
too high, and marked them zero instead of their real opinion to bring the
rating closer where they thought the sets should be rated.

<shrug>  I dunno.  Maybe I should compensate by going and rating all the
non-castle sets with a zero... Nah, too much like work. ;)

'Tis a curious thing, no doubt.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Castle set rating curiosity
There are other themes that have this problem - a single "0" rating. Maybe instead of the 50% default to balance things - they should score things like they do in Olympic Ice skating/gymnastic competitions - throw out the highest and lowest scores. (24 years ago, 20-Dec-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle set rating curiosity
No, it looks like someone (or a different someone in each case, possibly) cast a "0" rating for some--not all--of theCastle sets. I'm certainly not complaining, since everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But it is a curiosity without a context (...) (24 years ago, 20-Dec-00, to lugnet.castle)

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