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 Castle / 5242
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Re: The World of Tanabry!
Sat, 8 Jul 2000 00:53:21 GMT
872 times
Hi Bryan,

Wow... I've been speechless ever since I saw that beautiful mountain!! (Good
excuse for not posting earlier, eh? ;-)

What a *great* design. Using raised baeplates above ground is something that
never occured to me! That probably makes for easier access - no need to use
The lake and waterfall look heavenly, man, that looks like that place my mom
used to tell me about when I was little (so I would fall asleep :-)... the use
of vertical plates is extremely simple and surprisingly effective!! Looks much
better than any brick-falls I've ever tried (those look more like I'm dropping
ice cubes, not water! ;-).

The layout of the mountain inside is very sophisticated! I love the motorized
gate, and having a static one is a great idea as well. The garden looks
fabulous, my favorite part of all!
The bedroom(s) seem a tad empty, just a bit low on furniture... :-)
Maybe a few more beds to house some more people? Or some tables for the
soldiers to write letters home? <grin>

The off-limits area is intruiging! Can't wait to see inside...

And I'll be looking forward to hear about Sir Marcus!!

-- I'll be on vacation between July 15th and the end of August... please
forgive slow replies to emails/posts.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The World of Tanabry!
Hi Shiri, (...) Hehe thanks for the compliments! (...) Yes, the lake is made from raised baseplates. Most of the upper level is built on large green baseplates too. The advantage is not needing to use tiles, but these baseplates are much more flimsy (...) (25 years ago, 10-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  The World of Tanabry!
Hi, I've just finished my pages introducing the world of Tanabry. You can read about Tanabry's history, meet some of the characters, and have a tour of a mountain. Here's the address: (URL) those that actually visit: See if you can find out what (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle)

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