Re: Tim's models (The World of Tanabry!)
Thu, 6 Jul 2000 23:30:07 GMT
1158 times
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In lugnet.castle, Tim Coats writes:
> Looks a little like the volcano behind the town I built a while back. I
> kind of stopped building stuff for castle world because it seemed to be
> going nowhere. You can see my models at:
I agree that much of momentum (and some of my motivation) was lost when was a reality and nothing much happened afterwards...I have
been buying/selling/actioning and trading to continue y projects and
hopefully I will have a massive update ready I hope others will
too = )
However, recent additions by Leah, Bryan, and others are encouraging and
inspiring...I was happy when shiri took on the burden of new updates for cw
for awhle.
> Sincerely,
> Tim
I always wanted to see a close-up of your ship...I was contemplating getting
one of those flying time vessels to do something similar...I tried a similar
ship in brown, but I didn't like the results...I like your oar design also...
I really like your port design...especially the white tower on the hill
overlooking the landscape...I also like that many people are going "beyond
the basic gray/black" traditioal fortress designs and injecting much more
color diversity in their models. That was my goal and focus in developing
Ninja theme fortresses...diverging from traditional Castle styles and
colors, but still developing an imposing fortress
= )
(it doesn't have to be dark to be menacing, you know)
(who is off to look at the rest of leah's L-o-n-g post)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Tim's models (The World of Tanabry!)
| (...) ^^^...^^^ (you mean, right?) Definitely agreed. It was slightly disappointing, no doubt. But it looks like things are picking up now, and I'm glad!! Dunno about you guys, but I never for a moment forgot about CW or my (...) (25 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: The World of Tanabry!
| Looks a little like the volcano behind the town I built a while back. I kind of stopped building stuff for castle world because it seemed to be going nowhere. You can see my models at: Sincerely, Tim (25 years ago, 6-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle)
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