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Re: Aquana Pynora: Interior (long post)
Fri, 7 Jul 2000 00:01:15 GMT
1136 times
In lugnet.castle, Leah Cardaci writes:

This is the interior of my unfinished MOC Aquana Pynora.

Here is the layout of the first level

Gotta love the sony Mavica! ( I am still experienting with mine) great
pics...your lighting is well done too...

The room by the front door is for people that come to ask for help from Arlow
to rest while they wait, and for Arlow to entertain his friends

Arlow and his friends Adam and Min relax at the table, drinking some cider
for before supper

I like your "social" shot...nice to see Ninja figs showing up in other

I really like the Flash speeder naboo soldier torso fits well into
Castle creations.

A close-up of the fireplace

I like your fireplace design...I have never tried one...I have done more of
a fire-pit/campfire thing before...I am going to use yours as a reference.

Arlow gets salt and pepper from the spice rack, and bowls from the dish
cabinet as he prepares for supper

Nice attention to detail...My past shelf designs have been less authentic
looking...basically a 2x6 or 2x8 plate integrated in a wall (and usually to
offset some spacing issue)

A bed for the cats

Really nice touch that adds to the domestic atmosphere....I appreciate this
pic since I have 2 cats and I never realized Lego made cat pieces = )

Here is the layout of the scarlet room where Arlow keeps things that are
valuable or dangerous

Arlow makes special staffs of illuminar, a crystal that has phosphorescent
glow, and can provide fire-less light. Illuminar is highly sought by those who
know its value. Some different cut illuminar crystals and a special staff head
called The Tiara wait to be set

Interesting description of the character backround combined with an
explanation of some non traditional Castle elements...I'm thinking I have a
ton of those light saber handles now that need a new purpose.

The first bookcase holds some of the most dangerous mixtures Arlow makes
The second bookcase holds a rare crystal, a "special ingredient" and some
rare manuscripts. The third bookcase will hold rare weapons and gems

I like the way you executed this...I have used the 2x2 tiles as books in the
past, but for some reason I always inserted them in between the pegs and
never put them in loose to give it that library feel...

Here is the layout of the kitchen

The stove, sinks, and counters

An icebox, table for ice chips to quickly cool mixtures, and a table for
grinding powders

This is great...a functional living environment for a fig (something I don't
think I could do for over 700 Samurai and ninjas = )

Yor kitchendesign shows much thought and creativity...Excellent!  The ice
box is an interesting inclusioon.

The layout of the second level

The area where Arlow keeps his medicines

Very cool also.

Arlow in his bed with his cats

A comedic/playful touch for a genre of designs that also includes cow
flinging trebuchets and butcher shops, as well as a million and one ways to
impale a fig.

A flower box where Arlow keeps delicate plants, and a table with three
cutting under jars.

A writing desk, and small flame for heating medicines

The inside of the mural, the fireplace, and a perch for the cats

That's all, LMKWYT.


I like your deisgns, yet another breath of fresh air in the Castle theme.  A
eclectic mix of elements and I have mentioned in previous posts,
I love the injection of vibrant/bright color into Castle MOCs...Not only
does it make sense to use the piles of other colored bricks in your
inventory, you have proven that it can be done effectively and still "fit"
in with Lego Castle Fantasy sets and elements.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Aquana Pynora: Interior (long post)
(...) Yep, I'm quickly becoming very fond of my Mavica. The lighting was much better than in previous attempts. And on a day there was pouring rain! (...) Arlow (...) I like the ninja fig and use them a lot in my realms, just not as ninjas... (...) (...) (25 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Aquana Pynora: Interior (long post)
This is the interior of my unfinished MOC Aquana Pynora. Here is the layout of the first level (URL) The room by the front door is for people that come to ask for help from Arlow to rest while they wait, and for Arlow to entertain his friends Arlow (...) (25 years ago, 4-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle)  

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