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Re: Castle Newbie Recommendations
Wed, 22 Sep 1999 13:27:15 GMT
996 times
In lugnet.castle, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
I'll start pricing the Royal Combo as I see them come up for sale.  Is there a
number for shop-at-home I can call to either get another catalog or find out
about product availablity?

Here are the numbers I have (don't know how current they are):
Shop at Home 1-800-453-4625
Consumer Service 1-800-453-4677
Direct 1-800-835-4386

Shop at Home should more than willing to send you a new catalog for free.
While you have them on the phone, ask them about availability on the Royal sets
(have the set numbers on hand).

There's a veritable forest of Dark Forest Fortresses near me and I have two (I
seem to remember a poor review by Joseph...?).

Yeah, my was less than glowing but the more I used the set, I
found it to be better than my initial opinion.  As I load my
reviews up to Lugnet I'll probably revise that one to a slightly higher

..joseph g

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle Newbie Recommendations
My son has already lost the new shop-at-home catalog (or more likely it's in his desk at school). I'll start pricing the Royal Combo as I see them come up for sale. Is there a number for shop-at-home I can call to either get another catalog or find (...) (25 years ago, 21-Sep-99, to lugnet.castle)

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