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Re: Castle (?) Legofest? (was: Re: [CW] FAQ - War)
lugnet.castle, lugnet.general
Mon, 31 Jan 2000 00:28:00 GMT
3947 times
In lugnet.castle, Larry Pieniazek writes:
Butting in.

Shiri wrote:

Again, I can't drive (being 15.5 y/o) and making my dad drive me there is,
well, hmm, a bit too much? If other bostonian AFOLs will be coming, I hope
they won't mind driving with me in the back seat (or the front seat, next to
the driver ;-)

If I were your dad, I'd want to know the person that was giving my 15.5
year old daughter a multi hundred mile ride a bit better than just a
"hi" when he or she showed up to pick you up. So you may want to factor
that into your plans. Perhaps you can get your dad to attend a boston
area legofest or NELUG so he can meet some of your prospective rides in

Just some unsolicited advice. It's not a safe world out there any more,
although all of US legomaniacs are nice people. Better safe than sorry
would be the expected perspective of a father who isn't a brickhead like

You're right. My dad saw EricK and DaveE for about ten seconds in The
Construction Site, but obviously that wouldn't be enough. If indeed this Fest
will happen, I'm sure my dad/mom would want to meet the person driving me out
there (whoever that may be).

I guess my Dad will just have to stick through a NELUG meeting or something.
I have to give him some credit though, lately he *has* been complimenting my
work... But not much more...

(My mom, OTOH, *still* doesn't see much difference between MOC to a TLC
design... :-)

Note: this is a family forum!

LOL! Is your kid reading this?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Castle (?) Legofest? (was: Re: [CW] FAQ - War)
(...) Sometimes. (25 years ago, 31-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle (?) Legofest? (was: Re: [CW] FAQ - War)
Butting in. (...) If I were your dad, I'd want to know the person that was giving my 15.5 year old daughter a multi hundred mile ride a bit better than just a "hi" when he or she showed up to pick you up. So you may want to factor that into your (...) (25 years ago, 30-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general)

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