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Re: [CW] FAQ - War
Sat, 29 Jan 2000 18:32:30 GMT
2918 times
In lugnet.castle, Jeff Stembel writes:
In lugnet.castle, Pawel Nazarewicz writes:
Alright ... It seems like this issue needs to be addressed sooner or later,
and I guess now is as good of a time as any to do it:

Q.  Why no dice?

A.  Too complicated (for us Math majors) and I don't want grudges to
develop.  Also - how would we determine who has a big army?  And although
someone might now have a big army, if they have a fortress that is pretty hard
to get to, how does one counter for that?  Storylines allow us to get as close
to what we want as possible.

I think wargaming should be allowed if both participants agree to it.  I wuld
certainly enjoy it every once in a while.  Both participants would have to
agree to the rules beforehand, of course.

Q.  How do I record what happens in a war?

A.  Well, this has the opportunity to be one of the most creative aspects of
CW.  For example, if Verneer and his men choose to attack and pillage Eric
K's village house (or maybe David E's village) looking for food to supply the
Gryphon's Nest for winter, I could send all those figures to Eric or Dave, let
him take those pictures, and have him send the figs back.

Hmmm...  This got  me thinking.  Many of us live on the East Coast (Me, Pawel,
Craig, Shiri, Eric, Dave), so maybe we should have a Legofest this summer,
where we could do some Large Scale battles.  'Course, being a Legofest, It'd be
open to non-castle people.  Hmmm, maybe I'll post this to


  or a castle lego-fest, even!

  the wars in CW are more plot devices more than anything else. experience
from wargaming will only help your war~stories read better. we're keeping
the framework for stories as free form as possible to allow each individual
ultimate control over how much/ little parpticipation his/her realms will
have with others'.

  where in our world, history is written by the victors, in CW, history is
written by the losers! this is to insure other storytellers can't do
anything to our characters or structures that we don't want done.

  in each members' realm, that individual storyteller is the law, and what
he/she says, goes for his/her storylines and characters. the crossover
storylines (war is just one example!) involving two or more creators will
work through one hard and fast CW law; the Law of Three C's ~ Cooperation,
Courtesy, and Creativity. sometimes i think lego fans are the only humans on
this planet capable of living by all three of these ideals.

  much more, later ~ craig~

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: [CW] FAQ - War
(...) [snip] (...) I'd love to! But do it close to Boston - I can't drive. Maybe I can carpool with Eric or Dave... :-) (...) I so, SO agree. No one can change other people's stuff. I suggest that when a war/other crossover is held and sent to (...) (25 years ago, 29-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: [CW] FAQ - War
(...) Well, I think it'd be fun to get as many people as possible to come. A general Legofest would be ideal for that. :) (...) True, but I'm looking at wargaming from the "fun" aspect. I think it would be fun. ;) (...) Right. In a Castleworld (...) (25 years ago, 29-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: [CW] FAQ - War
(...) I think wargaming should be allowed if both participants agree to it. I wuld certainly enjoy it every once in a while. Both participants would have to agree to the rules beforehand, of course. (...) Hmmm... This got me thinking. Many of us (...) (25 years ago, 29-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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