| | Re: Official KK and HP 2004 pictures
(...) Five new visors? Cool, and at least one new helmet to boot. Too bad the swords are all the same shape. (...) It's no less realistic than the first Castle set I ever got my hands on. You might remember it. Yellow walls? (...) Every single (...) (21 years ago, 9-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: Official KK and HP 2004 pictures
(...) And no castle has ever been anything except primarily gray or black since. Besides, I don't like 375 precisely for the reason you mention (yellow). If you like the yellow castle and the Saturday Morning Cartoon approach, be my guest and buy (...) (21 years ago, 9-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: Official KK and HP 2004 pictures
(...) Which, when you think about it, isn't very realistic. How many European castles are white? How many LEGO castles are? Besides, as long as both greys are still perma-changed, I'm not sure how popular grey castles would be with AFOLs right now. (...) (21 years ago, 9-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: Official KK and HP 2004 pictures
(...) Gray is lot more realistic than bright yellow! :-) I wouldn't mind a castle in one of the "sand" colors. Or even a properly done white-washed castle. (...) As we said in the computer gaming industry: MOTS (More Of The Same). I already have the (...) (21 years ago, 9-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: Official KK and HP 2004 pictures
(...) Somewhat, I guess. A lot of castles were built with sandstone, and while tan is the closest match, it wasn't introduced until 1997, IIRC, which would put it just a bit too late to be used in any of the European-style Castle sets. Yellow was (...) (21 years ago, 10-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: Official KK and HP 2004 pictures
(...) Sandstone was more of a construction material in the Middle East than Europe. However, most weathered stone is a lot "warmer" (yellow, orange, red) than standard issue Old Gray (and New Gray is actually shifted to the cool end of the (...) (21 years ago, 10-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: Official KK and HP 2004 pictures
(...) (URL) Raglan Castle> in Wales is made with red and yellow sandstone. (URL) Castle>, (URL) Craignethan Castle>, and (URL) Duntreath Castle> in Scotland are made with yellow sandstone. (URL) Kenilworth Castle> in England is made of red (...) (21 years ago, 10-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
 | | Re: Official KK and HP 2004 pictures
(...) I didn't say it wasn't used - it was just more prevalent elsewhere than in Europe. But all well-sited, castle-builders used whatever was handy. -->Bruce<-- (21 years ago, 11-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
 | | Re: Official KK and HP 2004 pictures
Certainly there are a number of castles in south wales and the borders areas made like raglan, of sandstone. They look odd after hundreds of years of weathering as the bricks themselves have worn down but the mortar hasn't (21 years ago, 11-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: Official KK and HP 2004 pictures
(...) That is a true point, castle stone is not something anybody in antiquity imported very much of. The labor and time needed to build from foreign stone would have made a military fortification moot. Often if it was a border dispute, they'd just (...) (21 years ago, 11-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: Official KK and HP 2004 pictures
(...) Two other points to consider are that if you're building fortresses to defend your borders from neighboring countries...who exactly are you going to import stone from? Also, if you're trying to build something quickly with stone, you can (...) (21 years ago, 11-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle)
 | | Re: Official KK and HP 2004 pictures
(...) Yes, if it is for a unstable border, the walls would not be so much to keep the enemy out as to slow them down as they try to wipe your force out of the territory. Most of these in England that were built after 1066 had the purpose of housing (...) (21 years ago, 12-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle)