Re: The Beginning of the End...
Sun, 25 Aug 2002 03:03:55 GMT
1379 times
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In lugnet.castle, Nathan Todd writes:
> In lugnet.castle, Anthony Sava writes:
> > My computer has died. The power supply on my machine has kicked the bucket.
> > Hopefully all my raw files and documentation have not been deleted due to some
> > freak of circumstance. I remain hopeful that when the guy gets here
> > to make good on my three year warranty in TWO WEEKS (AAARRRGGGHHH!!!), he'll
> > repair my machine and I'll find no problems. (knock on wood) Honestly, I know
> > in my mind that my hard drive is ok (no smoke or surges or anything, the
> > computer was on a UPS) but there's that nagging thought that something might
> > have gone wrong...
> I'll be praying for you computer (and files). I had my computer wiped
> clean by an aiport security scanner on the way to NZ. It didn't even know it
> had windows... but an amazing service man in NZ fixed it. I still haven't
> been reinbursed by airport security in LA... worth a try...
The greatest risk in life is not taking one.
> >
> >
> > BUT... circumstances like this will NOT prevent me from moving on. Using my
> > fiancee's computer, installing a few bits of photo editing software, and thanks
> > to Mookie for having that extra storage I used before my little event, I have
> > been able to finish chapter 31 of the Chronicles of Ikros. It is the beginning
> > of the end. The first chapter of the last book, Book IV.
> >
> > So I am proud to release to you:
> >
> > The Chronicles of Ikros
> >
> > Chapter 31: Home No More
> >
> > Enjoy, and any comments are greatly appreciated.
> Very nice, is it my imagination or are the pics nicer then your preview?
> Or is that the effect of the story...
> As always brilliant...
Thanks for the feedback. I'm afraid it's your imagination, with my computer
down I had no access to the raw files to edit them. But I'm glad you enjoyed
them none the less.
> Nathan, who will learn to edit photos so he can write his story and post
> it to lugnet for the purpose of providing more posts and rivaling Anthony
> (Ha Ha)...
> God Bless (as always)
Hey, the more posts and MOCs in .castle the better. After I'm finished with
the Ikros story, I may have no more to post about ;)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: The Beginning of the End...
| (...) I'll be praying for you computer (and files). I had my computer wiped clean by an aiport security scanner on the way to NZ. It didn't even know it had windows... but an amazing service man in NZ fixed it. I still haven't been reinbursed by (...) (23 years ago, 24-Aug-02, to lugnet.castle)
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