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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 2514
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Re: Need help with errors and how to make renders look like this?
Sat, 24 Dec 2005 22:52:36 GMT
8735 times
Hi John,

That render your using is mine and I'm 'billthefish' (at least outside of
the UK
Football scene).  It was produced using a number of different tools:

Thank you for the quick response Orion! I hope you didn't mind me using your
render as an example. It just looked so good and since you had the model
available for download it helped me quickly compare my rendering skills to
yours. :-)

Mesh-Enhancer -

This was a big help! On my second guess for the angle I got something that
looked pretty good on the Ferrari. I ended up with an angle of 170 degrees.
Fortunately I am familiar with what the mesh enhancer does since we do
something similar in my line of work. I am surprised I have not seen this
tool mentioned anywhere on the LEGO community web sites. I have been
scouring lugnet,, brickshelf, and several other sites trying to
find info on LEGO rendering. After I am done figuring out all this stuff I
will probably create a step by step tutorial for people wanting to create
high quality renderings of their LDRAW files.

The FastRad POV includes -

The instructions were pretty easy to follow and I got it set up quickly. The
one thing that confused me about FastRad was the lights setting. In the
instructions it says it is designed for one bright light. In the
instructions it has you comment out one of the three default lights. In your
render ( it
looks like you have a couple lights. Did you leave the three default lights,
use only one light, or have your own custom lights?

For the "#declare ldraw_sky = 2; // Sky- 0-None; 1-White; 2-Blue; 3-Black."
setting at the top of the file what setting do you use? I am assuming you
used 2 Blue because there is a blue hue on your floor.

I am still having a problem getting my colors to look like yours. I am using
the #include "" as you mentioned in your instructions. I am
unsure if the color difference between my render and your render is due to
the #include "" not working, the camera angle difference between
my render and your render, or if you have different lights/sky colors that
effect the final color look of the render. Also my smoke windows look a lot
different then yours. Your smoke windows look very close to what they look
like in real life.

Here is the best I could come up with in terms of my renders:

I found a different site on Brickshelf that has a modified colors and a
different radiosity file.

Have you used those before?

Here is an example render:

Very similar look and quality to yours. Looks like he uses more than one
light. Do you know how to do the reflective floor that he did in that

- John

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Need help with errors and how to make renders look like this?
(...) No problem, that's what it's out there for. (...) The author of the program was also kind enogh to provide me with the source code so I could learn from it. (...) I leave the 3 default lights but I lower their intensity by reduceing their (...) (19 years ago, 25-Dec-05, to lugnet.cad.ray)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Need help with errors and how to make renders look like this?
(...) Hi John, That render your using is mine and I'm 'billthefish' (at least outside of the UK Football scene). It was produced using a number of different tools: L3P Mesh-Enhancer - (URL) FastRad POV includes - (URL) LUGNET color definitions (...) (19 years ago, 24-Dec-05, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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