Re: Mirroring models
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 22:50:45 GMT
2273 times
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In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Bryan Hodges writes:
> Can anyone tell me how to mirror a model in MLCad or LDraw?
> I'm currently utilizing MLCad to make dat files of my Imperial Shuttle,
> and I've completed the left wing for it. I'd like to simply mirror
> the right wing, since it's an exact symetrical copy of the left wing.
Here's how I'd do it.
Suppose you've currently got this "left wing" sub-assembly
in a subfile which, for the purpose of this example,
I shall call "leftwing.dat". Inside your main model's
DAT file, you will have a line as follows:
|> 1 q x y z a b c d e f g h i j leftwing.dat
In this line, the co-ordinate (x,y,z) is the placement
of the left wing, and <a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j>
is the corresponding matrix.
To make a "mirror" of the left wing (to use as a "right wing"),
copy and paste this line, and then modify it as follows:
|> 1 q -x y z -a -b -c d e f g h i j leftwing.dat
I _specifically_ call your attention to the fact that
the "X"-co-ordinate _and_ the first three number of the matix
have been multiplied by "-1" (negative one).
I hope this helps.
Message is in Reply To:
| | Mirroring models
| Can anyone tell me how to mirror a model in MLCad or LDraw? I'm currently utilizing MLCad to make dat files of my Imperial Shuttle, and I've completed the left wing for it. I'd like to simply mirror the right wing, since it's an exact symetrical (...) (24 years ago, 8-Dec-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)
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