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Re: Follow up to Camera Tricks
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 13:45:29 GMT
2254 times
Hi Jay;

If you want to adjust the "look at point" you can actually
select one of your peices in a model. Look at it's co-oridnates in the
Model Part List (top right window). Then put these exact co-ordinates
into the "look at" point... You will be looking directly at that

For my Classic Space ships, I actually select the head of the
pilot... Then I can make different camera shots by moving the camera


On Mon, 30 Oct 2000 05:37:09 GMT, "Jay Jacinto" <>

In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Brad Hamilton writes:
A few messages ago, I brought up a technique for setting camera positions in
POV-RAY by setting up light source objects in MLCAD.  I had heard this from
someone else.

Another person suggested just setting the coordinates by getting moving the
mouse in MLCAD.

I've tried this now and the results are excellent!

I'll describe the procedure again (since it was in a reply before):

- Create your model in MLCAD.  You don't need to place any POV light sources
unless you actually want to use them to place additional lights.  Keep MLCAD
open during the following steps.
- Use L3P to create a POV-RAY file.  You don't need to use any special
- Open the file in POV-RAY.  Scroll down to the bottom and find the
vaxis_rotate and look_at commands.  The vaxis_rotate is the camera position,
and the look_at is where to point the camera.  The trick is how to set these
- Go back to MLCAD and move the cursor (on any pane) above where you want
the camera.  Notice that, as you move the mouse, the X,Y, and Z coordinates
are displayed on the status bar.  Unfortunately, only 2 of the 3 will be
displayed on any one pane.  To get all 3 coordinates, you will have to move
the mouse to the correct spot on 2 panes.  Copy the 3 coordinates into the
vaxis_rotate command (only the first 3 coordinates).  Repeat the procedure
for where you want to point the camera and plug that into the look_at
- Now run the image.  I got a perfect result the first time!

I hope that helps.


I have just one quick question, does this work with all camera angles? i.e. if
the angle parameter were set to 10 degrees?

Thanks in advance
Jay Jacinto

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Follow up to Camera Tricks
(...) Hi, I have just one quick question, does this work with all camera angles? i.e. if the angle parameter were set to 10 degrees? Thanks in advance Jay Jacinto (24 years ago, 30-Oct-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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