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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 637
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Re: LDraw DAT certification for clones?
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 18:12:36 GMT
901 times
At 10:34 AM 12/15/1999 , Steve Bliss wrote:
In, Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote:
The FAQ contains something that is supposed to be a
description of the LDraw language. I don't know if people
consider it "official".

Question #20.  I don't about "official", but I have some other words to
describe it...


That article (question 20) is too large for the FAQ, and should be broken
out as a separate item/page on the website.

I agree.  It looks to me that the article could be edited for clarity and
layout.  Someone with better knowledge of the DAT file than me want to do
that?  Either I or someone else can put it in the page format,
the template is at:

BTW - the FAQ should eventually be edited and formatted to the site layout,
perhaps having one page per FAQ question/response.  When should that be
done, and what priority should that be given?

Yes. Some formal specifications, some example files, and
maybe even some programs for testing files.

Seems like the best way to go with this is to have "test scripts", DAT files
which compatible programs must be able to correctly process, along with
examples of correct processing.  In more advanced 'scripts', it might be
necessary to have multiple DATs, and to specify where they are stored.

Sounds like a good idea to me.  If/when you need pages done of it, LMK and
I'll take care of it.

Funny: in the paragraph above, when I say DAT, I mean "DAT or MPD".  But
usually, if I mean to include both MPD and DAT in a discussion, I'll say MPD.


AIM:   timcourtne
ICQ:   23951114

A man dreamt he was a car, and woke up exhausted.  Later he recalled that
the dream was a weird auto body experience.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LDraw DAT certification for clones?
Tim: (...) Yes. The FAQ contains something that is supposed to be a description of the LDraw language. I don't know if people consider it "official". (...) Yes. Some formal specifications, some example files, and maybe even some programs for testing (...) (25 years ago, 15-Dec-99, to

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