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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 4738
4737  |  4739
Re: Why quads? Re: L(EGO)Draw parts - 4th batch
Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:13:46 GMT
29256 times
Did anybody ever did actually fix the parts though?  I got about
halfway through part 43721.dat before I lost focus.  Meanwhile Philo
introduced the Coverer tool which may have institutionalized the
automatic generation of the problematic bumpy wedge surfaces.  You can
see the ugly sawtooth shading on the wedge parts in the documentation
for the Coverer tool:
Sorry for that ;o) But (fortunately) here are very few twisted surfaces in LEGO
pieces, so I don't think my tool has created too much havoc...

The problem is that the naive algorithm generates triangles where the
joins between them alternate between slightly convex and slightly
concave.  I think perhaps we might need a warning for that tool to watch
out for this.  Or is it possible to fix the tool to follow the convex
and concave saddle curves between the opposite corners instead?  Maybe
as an option?
Problem is that at this low level I have almost no information about the
intended geometry - I see only a bunch of connected lines.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Why quads? Re: L(EGO)Draw parts - 4th batch
(...) I see. So what you really want to do in LDView is ignore the Type 5 lines (at least for smoothing) and smooth wherever there's no Type 2 edge lines between the triangles (and quads). (...) Did anybody ever did actually fix the parts though? I (...) (15 years ago, 22-Sep-10, to

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