Re: L(EGO)Draw parts - 4th batch
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 21:28:51 GMT
29979 times
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In lugnet.cad, Willy Tschager wrote:
Hi folks,
the LEGO Universe Team has shared another batch of part shapes with the
community, with the purpose to make them fit for the LDraw
Parts Tracker.
The astute parts author will notice a slightly new format to these new files. I
thought it might help to describe them.
The first line is the official LEGO Group name for the part. These are almost
always exclusively in UPPERCASE, so youll see them this way in the parts files.
The 2nd line involves trying to approximate a proper 0 Name: line to save
time, based on the generated file name without the prepended M.
The third line is a courtesy to signal an unofficial part (obviously)
The fourth line flags this as a Foundry converted part, as opposed to the
traditional stl2dat tool.
All the part meshes come out properly wound so BFC certification has been
The source meshes organize faces into groups. Those groups were used to sort
the output lines and also color sets of faces to make conversion to primitives
easier on parts authors. Comments were used to describe the start and end of
each section.
main is already in color 16, and involves any parts not in the other
stud usually represents a male mating surface, they are colored as LDRAW color
14 (yellow). In many cases, a stud primitive should be used instead of the
group. Please note, LDRAW studs are SHORTER than official studs by an
appreciable margin, so a direct drop-in replacement was not easily done. You
may find your studs offset in the y direction at first, based on the orientation
you use (if you were to position based on the top of a stud mesh from the LU
file, youll bury part of the stud in the main model because of the difference
in heights). This is just something to keep an eye on.
base represents a female-mating surface, and in many cases needs to be
replaced with a tube or stud primitive, but also different curve portions may
apply. These appear as LDRAW color 1 (blue)
tube isnt really well defined. It appears pinkish, and usually signals a
likely primitive substitution (but is also often connected to base or stud, in
the rare cases it seems to appear).
The grouping should make primitive substitution work a lot easier to accomplish.
-- joshua
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: L(EGO)Draw parts - 4th batch
| There is one more thing to add to Joshua extensive explanations: coplanar triangle pairs are not assembled into quads. I advocated for that, because it offers the maximum flexibility when splitting into subparts or adjusting vertices position (no (...) (15 years ago, 16-Sep-10, to, FTX)
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