| | Re: Automatic download of unofficial parts in LDView
(...) Wont most servers (and clients) automatically use gzip or similar if they both support it? (19 years ago, 17-May-06, to lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw)
 | | Re: Automatic download of unofficial parts in LDView
(...) If the client supports it, yes. But unless LDView specifically says it does, the server will assume it can't. (19 years ago, 18-May-06, to lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw)
 | | Re: Automatic download of unofficial parts in LDView
(...) I don't do this now, but I think I can do so fairly easily. Just to check, if I add the following header to my request, ldraw.org will gzip automatically? Accept-Encoding: gzip If I do that, do I need to add another accepted encoding to let (...) (19 years ago, 18-May-06, to lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw)
 | | Re: Automatic download of unofficial parts in LDView
(...) It's assumed - at least, firefox doesn't mention it explicitly. (19 years ago, 18-May-06, to lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw)
 | | Re: Automatic download of unofficial parts in LDView
(...) Just as an experiment, I added the above header to my request, and still got back plain-text. --Travis (19 years ago, 18-May-06, to lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw)
 | | Re: Automatic download of unofficial parts in LDView
(...) Right - apparently I don't have it enabled on peeron/ldraw's server, but try it on this: (URL) Dan Boger dan@peeron.com (19 years ago, 18-May-06, to lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw)
 | | Re: Automatic download of unofficial parts in LDView
(...) that file there for a while while I get my gunzipping to work? I'll post another message here once I get it working. Thanks. --Travis (19 years ago, 18-May-06, to lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw)
 | | Re: Automatic download of unofficial parts in LDView
(...) OK, I got it working. Feel free to delete the file whenever you want. So, do you plan to turn gzip support on for the ldraw.org server? It would make a really big difference for unofficial part downloads. --Travis (19 years ago, 20-May-06, to lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw)
 | | Re: Automatic download of unofficial parts in LDView
(...) I'll either do that, or just start mirroring the entire ldraw library to media.peeron.com. How soon will you need this? I guess your script should work transparently either case though - gzipping shouldn't be required, just accepted. Make (...) (19 years ago, 23-May-06, to lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw)
 | | Re: Automatic download of unofficial parts in LDView
(...) Yeah, that makes sense. LDView will notify the server that it accepts gzipped content, but will work fine either way. It will just work faster when the response is gzipped. At this point, I'm not sure when the next version of LDView will be (...) (19 years ago, 23-May-06, to lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw)