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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 420
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Re: Mac Brick CAD (MBC)
Fri, 23 May 2003 12:36:46 GMT
1795 times
In article <>, "Brian Davis" <>

Andrew Allan wrote:

Announcing Mac Brick CAD...

   OK, questions from a *rank* novice at this stuff - ie, somebody who
shouldn't even remotely be involved in an alpha release, but...

   Why do many of the parts of the models not show up (for instance, I have
many bushings hanging in mid-space when I display the forklift)? And on a
possibly related question, I never get asked what the LDRAW file is (I popped
it into the folder, so it *may* have found it, but...). What LDRAW file would
it be best to download (& from where)? I'm trying to learn to draft plans (on
Titanium G4 laptop) for a class I'll be teaching this fall (this last year,
was, well... interesting).
   Any tips/hints/advice for the clueless? So far I've not gotten any of the
Mac offerings to work successfully.

Brian Davis

MBC doesn't know where your LDRAW directory is, so you are only seeing
the parts that are internal to MBC.

Get the LDRAW directory like James said, then throw away all of your
preference files that have anything to do with LDRAWing

When you start MBC, the first dialogue box will be the one for locating
your LDRAW folder.

Oh yeah, never delete the last brick, just change its part number. If
you delete the last brick, MBC will crash when you try to insert a new

Oh yeah too, get a parts catalogue too, so you know what part numbers to

Good Luck,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mac Brick CAD (MBC)
(...) OK, questions from a *rank* novice at this stuff - ie, somebody who shouldn't even remotely be involved in an alpha release, but... Why do many of the parts of the models not show up (for instance, I have many bushings hanging in mid-space (...) (22 years ago, 22-May-03, to

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