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 CAD / Development / Search Results: Stickers in LDraw
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  Re: Stl2dat merging plane triangles and quads to uniform surface?
Hi, (...) Its a tough problem ! The problem is, that stl2dat does not recalculate or modify the triangles that are in the stl file. The only thing stl2dat makes is to bind the triangles into ldraw primitives or quadrangle. To solve your problem (...) (17 years ago, 29-Jun-08, to

(score: 0.507)

  License questions
Hello All, I'm starting work on POV-Ray export for my LD4DStudio project and was wondering about the LDraw license. I'm planning to generate POV-Ray files/objects per highlevel LDraw part. In the resulting source I will include all '0' lines from (...) (17 years ago, 18-Jun-08, to

(score: 0.507)

  Re: New Ldraw parts authors tool: Projector
(...) Hi Mike, Yes, I considered this possibility in the beginning, but I was not convinced by the vectorization process. One key issue is that silk-screened parts are far from perfect (misprints, color registration problems...). I found that (...) (17 years ago, 11-Jun-08, to, lugnet.vikings, lugnet.castle, FTX)

(score: 0.507)

  Re: License questions
(...) I don't know about an official answer, but it's worth considering that L3P has been providing POV exports of LDraw models for over 9 years now, and as far as I know, nobody has complained. --Travis (17 years ago, 25-Jun-08, to

(score: 0.506)

  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
(...) I like the idea. Naturally, I would like a portable LDraw library even better. How useful would a VB library be to Linux or Mac LDraw users? (There are at least a few!) In any case, a generic API could certainly make it easier to create new (...) (17 years ago, 17-Jun-08, to

(score: 0.506)'s May 2008 Model, Scene and Part of the Month Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the May 2008 Model/Scene/Part Of The Month (MOTM/SOTM/POTM) contests: (URL) POTM - Best Part, Door 1 x 8 x 6 Frame by Willy Tschager (Holly-Wood) and LEGO Universe Team> (URL) POTM – Most Desired Part, Window 1 x 4 (...) (17 years ago, 3-Jun-08, to lugnet.cad,, lugnet.announce, FTX)

(score: 0.506)

  Re: James Jessiman Memorial Award for 2007 awarded to Kevin Clague
(...) With an OK from Orion, who regrettably couldn't attend, I presented the award to Kevin at the closing ceremonies yesterday. LDraw is core to how we communicate and share with each other in the hobby; so I'm glad when a recipient is able to be (...) (17 years ago, 23-Jun-08, to  

(score: 0.506)

  2008/2009 LDraw LEGO Ambassador Election is open
In reference to this post (URL) the 2008/2009 LDraw LEGO Ambassador election is now open. To vote, please visit (URL) and log in with your user account. Next, visit the ballot page on here: (URL) LDraw organization members may vote and you (...) (17 years ago, 13-May-08, to lugnet.cad,, lugnet.announce)  

(score: 0.506)

  Re: POV-Ray help needed
(...) Actually I was planning to support both to see which approach renders faster. Having the vertex and index data in memory, the mesh2 approach was the easiest step to begin with. I only had to correct for quad -> triangle conversion to get (...) (17 years ago, 26-Jun-08, to

(score: 0.506)

  Re:'s May 2008 Model, Scene and Part of the Month Winners
(...) This time I don't feel bad voting for myself ;o) Philo (17 years ago, 4-Jun-08, to, FTX)

(score: 0.506)

  Re:'s May 2008 Model, Scene and Part of the Month Winners
(...) I'm going to use my amazing powers of prognostication and predict a win by Philo for the June POTM contest. --Travis (17 years ago, 3-Jun-08, to, FTX)

(score: 0.506)

  Re: Flickr group Re: LDraw users Facebook group
(...) Another great idea. Spotlighted. Cheers Richie Dulin CO Legeaux (17 years ago, 11-Jun-08, to

(score: 0.506)

  Flickr group Re: LDraw users Facebook group
(...) And just to keep it broad I created a Flickr group too (URL) (17 years ago, 11-Jun-08, to  

(score: 0.506)

  Stl2dat merging plane triangles and quads to uniform surface?
Hi Marc, authoring this part (URL) tried to simulate LDraw's "ndis" primitives to ease the substitution once the part is in dat shape. The STL preview showed the triangles at the corners of the various cylinders but it looks like STL2DAT merges (...) (17 years ago, 20-Jun-08, to lugnet.cad,

(score: 0.506)

  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
(...) I like the idea, I had some head breakers while trying to read LDraw files correctly the first time (especially regarding to reading recursive winding information). But I think, if there was going to be an 'official' LDraw api it should be (...) (17 years ago, 18-Jun-08, to  

(score: 0.506)

  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
I forgot to mention something fairly important (which may be obvious). LDLoader is a library for loading LDraw files into an internal memory format that is easy to deal with. It handle parsing, error checking (and reporting, via callbacks), and some (...) (17 years ago, 18-Jun-08, to

(score: 0.506)

  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
(...) For what it's worth, LDView is Open Source (GPL v2), and all of its LDraw file loading code is kept in a separate library (which I call LDLoader). This library depends on one other of my libraries (which I call TCFoundation, short for Travis (...) (17 years ago, 18-Jun-08, to

(score: 0.506)

  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
(...) I really should have responded to your original message before posting my message about LDView's parser. As far as I'm concerned, having a public VB parser for LDraw files would be great. I won't use it, but if others find it useful, that's (...) (17 years ago, 19-Jun-08, to

(score: 0.506)

  Re: 2008/2009 LDraw LEGO Ambassador election result
(...) For those of you who didn't see the announcment, Tim Gould was chosen as one of the new ambassadors. See here: (URL) Tim. --Travis (17 years ago, 4-Jun-08, to

(score: 0.506)

  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
(...) I know that LDView is a very good tool. And I know also that the code is under GPL. But there are people out there (me too) that do not know about C or C++. So it would be great to have a DLL to handle the core methods (and maybe objects) for (...) (17 years ago, 19-Jun-08, to

(score: 0.506)

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