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Re: I have some ideas / suggestions for all programmers
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 09:14:02 GMT
910 times
"Travis Cobbs" <> wrote in message

And I strongly disagree with your statement about VB6 DLLs.  That's • similar
to telling potential program authors that we don't want anything they • might
produce if they're going to program in Visual Basic.  I'd much rather have • a
program written in VB (with the associated DLL requirements) than no • program
at all.  Given that all of the LDraw programs are pretty much written for
fun, no one has any place criticizing anyone else's choice of programming
language.  And the fact is that if you choose to program in VB, the • runtime
DLLs are required.  To me, complaints about VB6 DLLs just make it less
likely that more programs will be written.

Being a VB programmer myself who doesn't have the time or the inclination to
learn another language like Delphi, C++, etc. (I don't even have the
inclination to learn VB.NET!) I've got to agree here. The VB runtime DLLs
should not be an issue - have you checked your WinME, W2K, or WXP system
files on a virgin install? Those operating systems include the VB6 runtimes
as part of the OS, so you can drop a VB6 exe on and run without needing a
full install (except if any OCXs are used that aren't already in the OS).

And most other apps have runtime DLLs too - what about MFC42.DLL for VC++
(and I guess other languages) that use the MFC calls? If you use API calls
in any way then you effectively have runtime DLLs - those API functions have
to be exported from something, if you statically included every DLL that you
needed to use your EXE files would be *huge*  :(


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I have some ideas / suggestions for all programmers
I understand where you're coming from, but I personally feel that the registry does have its place, if used properly. Mind you, most programs don't use it properly in my opinion. LDView uses the registry to remember your settings, and to remember (...) (23 years ago, 1-Aug-02, to

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