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Re: Rotate, pitch, yaw, or roll?
Thu, 10 Aug 2000 08:38:59 GMT
448 times
Erik, you can test LeoCAD and see how it perform that. I like its way of
rotating quite much and find it convenient.


Erik Olson wrote:

What verbs are better for describing rotation about the standard axes?

Rotate is usually understood as spinning about the vertical axis.
There are aeronautical terms for the other two, pitch and yaw, and I can't
remember which is which, so I'm using pitch and roll, even though for a
brick there are no clear front back or sides.

I just had to pick some names for menu commands. For the verbally challenged
there will be mouse tools for the job anyway...

Message is in Reply To:
  Rotate, pitch, yaw, or roll?
What verbs are better for describing rotation about the standard axes? Rotate is usually understood as spinning about the vertical axis. There are aeronautical terms for the other two, pitch and yaw, and I can't remember which is which, so I'm using (...) (24 years ago, 2-Jul-01, to

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