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Re: Rotate, pitch, yaw, or roll?
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 20:23:46 GMT
452 times
In, Erik Olson writes:

What verbs are better for describing rotation about the standard axes?

Rotate is usually understood as spinning about the vertical axis.
There are aeronautical terms for the other two, pitch and yaw, and I
can't remember which is which, so I'm using pitch and roll, even
though for a brick there are no clear front back or sides.

On the 'typical' aircraft:
     Pitch is the angle (from horizontal) along the of the
         centerline of the aircraft.
     Roll is the rotation around the centerline axis
     Yaw is the rotation of the centerline around the 'altitude' axis

So your 'Rotate' would be akin to yaw, and so long as 'Pitch' relates
to the longest axis, both it and 'Roll' would be intuitive to someone
with an aerospace/aeronautical background (like me).

OTOH, your target audience may be better served with something
similar to Matthew Gerber's suggestions - 'Rotate about Z', etc.

-Garrett Taylor
Macintosh Specialist / Perl Pounder / Web Wrangler / SQL Stooge
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University  --  Daytona Beach, FL USA
Information Technology  --  Portal Services  --  Administrative
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"Confidence is the feeling you have before you fully understand the

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  Re: Rotate, pitch, yaw, or roll?
Wow. LUGNET rocks. Actually, people like you, Garrett, make it rock. Can you also tell me the Perl package that implements pathname concatenate in a platform-independent way? (I'm a Perl Pounder too, by day.) I'm going to write the code to detect (...) (24 years ago, 2-Jul-01, to

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  Rotate, pitch, yaw, or roll?
What verbs are better for describing rotation about the standard axes? Rotate is usually understood as spinning about the vertical axis. There are aeronautical terms for the other two, pitch and yaw, and I can't remember which is which, so I'm using (...) (24 years ago, 2-Jul-01, to

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