Re: Whats the difference between 6218 and 6259 ?
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 18:52:15 GMT
710 times
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In, Chris Dee wrote:
> > > I think we should have a dat file for each number, so that if you read the
> > > part number from the part it is obvious whether or not a .dat file exists).
> > > One just needs to be a type 1 command to the other file.
Right. I'd rather have one file be a standard part file, and the other be
a "shortcut" type file, meaning that the part name would be prepended with
an underscore.
I think we should *not* declare either the opaque or the transparent
numbers to be "standard". I think we should instead just indicate, via a
comment in the file, that the number was found on trans or opaque parts.
My reasoning is that we might have either the transparent number or the
opaque number first, and we shouldn't have to use a 3-digit number for the
base-part-file, just because the known number is the wrong type.
In, Ray Sanders writes:
> > Heres another data point for the list...
> >
> > 'Hinge Panel 2 x 4 x 3 & 1/3' which partsref lists as 2582, a trans-green
> > piece has 6139 as the mould number. Oddly, a light-grey part (from Gungan
> > Sub) has no visible mould number on it.
A similar part is the 4x4 radar dish. Some of the Explorien sets had 4x4
dishes in multiple transparent colors. In one set, some of the dishes are
30065, and others are 3960. But the new Star Wars TIE Fighter set has a
light gray 4x4 dish with *no* number.
> > Another difference between these parts, the trans-green piece (from 6180, p/n
> > 6139) has a smooth/gloss surface on the 45-deg angle, while the light-grey
> > piece (from 7161, assumed to be p/n 2582) has a matte finish on the 45-deg angle.
(the lt-gray piece is probably *not* 2582, but that's a guess)
> So, IMHO this makes them different parts, although at present the DAT file
> language does not have the capability to define textured surfaces.
Right. They *should* both be recorded. For now, maybe as a shortcut file,
but eventually with the mythical 0 TEXTURE meta-statement in the
matte-surface version.
> But, if we're making a catalog, 2507 - Windscreen 10 x 4 x 2 & 1/3 Canopy is
> 30058 in clear - both parts found in set 6155.
Hmmm, interesting. The 7191 UCS X-Wing has one of these in light gray.
It's also number 30058.
Maybe the lack of connections on this part (no studs, no enclosed
anti-studs, the only hard connections are finger-hinges) that it has low
tolerances that allow TLC to use a single mold?
The 2507/30058 numbers (and a number of other 4-digit/5-digit duplications)
are probably due to TLC switching part numbering schemes, and later having
to create a new mold to replace worn-out molds.
If we want to start tracking when numbers are found on opaque or
transparent pieces, let's be careful about jumping to conclusions. Unless
we find the same number on both trans and opaque pieces, we can't say
anything *for certain* about the numbers and how LEGO uses them.
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: Whats the difference between 6218 and 6259 ?
| In, Steve Bliss writes: <snippage> (...) All along we have been using these numbers as 'part numbers', when actually they appear to be a mould number. What we are finding here is that there are 1-n mould numbers for each 'part shape'. (...) (24 years ago, 15-Mar-01, to
|  | | Re: Whats the difference between 6218 and 6259 ?
| (...) This just in: there's a light gray 4x4 dish from the Life on Mars Red Mecha (sorry, I don't have the number handy). It has a part number: 3960. I guess that goes toward supporting my note of caution: (...) Steve (24 years ago, 18-Mar-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Whats the difference between 6218 and 6259 ?
| (...) part (...) just (...) piece (...) no (...) piece (...) So, IMHO this makes them different parts, although at present the DAT file language does not have the capability to define textured surfaces. But, if we're making a catalog, 2507 - (...) (24 years ago, 14-Mar-01, to
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