Re: Ldglite/Linux and sub-parts
Fri, 11 Feb 2000 14:34:23 GMT
627 times
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"Don Heyse" <> writes:
> I'll take a look at that tonight. I never heard of the s directory.
It's directly under the "parts" directory. Some parts use sub-parts
in the s-directory, such as the 32013 and some of the new Technic
wheels that Jeff Boen designed.
> When did you grab the source? I just dumped a prerelease of version 0.4
> on the website last night. The rendering is much better. Give it a shot.
> Try out the shading.
I grabbed it on February 6th. I'll take a look at the new one. Great
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Ldglite/Linux and sub-parts
| (...) I'll take a look at that tonight. I never heard of the s directory. However I have used primitives in the p\48 directory though. I'll have to look at that too. Should be easy to fix though. When did you grab the source? I just dumped a (...) (25 years ago, 11-Feb-00, to
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