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Re: SVG renders possible?
Tue, 24 May 2011 18:23:49 GMT
21743 times
In, Travis Cobbs wrote:

LDView actually has experimental support for this built-in (although it has to
be manually enabled via either a command line switch or a registry setting).
Unfortunately, it's effectively useless on anything other than individual parts
due to the astronomically large output files, and their extremely slow
processing.  The results also tend to not render nicely in most SVG renderers
(particularly transparent parts).  See below for the output from car.dat

How would I go about enabling this experimental feature?  I'd like to try it out
on one of my line drawings.

Eric Albrecht

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: SVG renders possible?
(...) Add the following to LDView's command line: -GL2PSAllowed=1 Alternatively, run regedit, browse into the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\So...are\Travis Cobbs\LDView key, then create a new DWORD value there named GL2PSAllowed, and set it to 1. Once you do (...) (13 years ago, 25-May-11, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: SVG renders possible?
(...) LDView actually has experimental support for this built-in (although it has to be manually enabled via either a command line switch or a registry setting). Unfortunately, it's effectively useless on anything other than individual parts due to (...) (13 years ago, 1-Apr-11, to

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