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 CAD / Development / 10882 (-20)
  Re: POV-Ray help needed
(...) A few things. First of all, both the LDraw file format and the POV file format support hierarchical compositions, so I think it's a good idea to leave things in their original hierarchy. So, instead of having a POV object for each part that is (...) (17 years ago, 25-Jun-08, to
  Re: License questions
(...) Anybody... ? An alfa version of a pov export you'll find here: (URL) would really like to get an 'official' answer to this. (17 years ago, 25-Jun-08, to
  POV-Ray help needed
Hello all, I have been busy with POV-Ray export for LD4DStudio now and then for about two weeks now. It comes along quite nicely, but the results can be better. I am no POV-Ray expert so I'm looking for some tips from experienced users. An example (...) (17 years ago, 25-Jun-08, to
  inlining parts with correct winding information
I am confused. Maybe someone can help me. If I have a file that is CW and I have a subfile that is CCW. I want to inline that subfile without having additional BFC statements. As far as I have understand BFC I have to rewind the lines in the (...) (17 years ago, 23-Jun-08, to
  Re: Stl2dat merging plane triangles and quads to uniform surface?
(...) be sure I've tried all sorts of combinations but I get the triangles simulating the ndis primitives only in one corner, while it looks like that the other corners get merged: (URL) there something I haven't taken in consideration? BTW I use (...) (17 years ago, 23-Jun-08, to
  Re: Stl2dat merging plane triangles and quads to uniform surface?
Hi Willy (...) There already exists such an option : -o4 : no merge to quadrangles All the options are listed here (URL) Would it further be possible to mirror all points on the y-axes right away with (...) Have you considered using a subpart the (...) (17 years ago, 22-Jun-08, to
  Stl2dat merging plane triangles and quads to uniform surface?
Hi Marc, authoring this part (URL) tried to simulate LDraw's "ndis" primitives to ease the substitution once the part is in dat shape. The STL preview showed the triangles at the corners of the various cylinders but it looks like STL2DAT merges (...) (17 years ago, 20-Jun-08, to lugnet.cad,
  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
(...) I should be more clear with VB. I am talking about VBExpress that is a NET Framework language. As far as I understand with the NET Framework it is possible to use a DLL that is written in VB also with the other Framework languages. So maybe it (...) (17 years ago, 19-Jun-08, to
  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
(...) I really should have responded to your original message before posting my message about LDView's parser. As far as I'm concerned, having a public VB parser for LDraw files would be great. I won't use it, but if others find it useful, that's (...) (17 years ago, 19-Jun-08, to
  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
(...) I know that LDView is a very good tool. And I know also that the code is under GPL. But there are people out there (me too) that do not know about C or C++. So it would be great to have a DLL to handle the core methods (and maybe objects) for (...) (17 years ago, 19-Jun-08, to
  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
I forgot to mention something fairly important (which may be obvious). LDLoader is a library for loading LDraw files into an internal memory format that is easy to deal with. It handle parsing, error checking (and reporting, via callbacks), and some (...) (17 years ago, 18-Jun-08, to
  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
(...) For what it's worth, LDView is Open Source (GPL v2), and all of its LDraw file loading code is kept in a separate library (which I call LDLoader). This library depends on one other of my libraries (which I call TCFoundation, short for Travis (...) (17 years ago, 18-Jun-08, to
  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
(...) I like the idea, I had some head breakers while trying to read LDraw files correctly the first time (especially regarding to reading recursive winding information). But I think, if there was going to be an 'official' LDraw api it should be (...) (17 years ago, 18-Jun-08, to  
  License questions
Hello All, I'm starting work on POV-Ray export for my LD4DStudio project and was wondering about the LDraw license. I'm planning to generate POV-Ray files/objects per highlevel LDraw part. In the resulting source I will include all '0' lines from (...) (17 years ago, 18-Jun-08, to
  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
(...) I like the idea. Naturally, I would like a portable LDraw library even better. How useful would a VB library be to Linux or Mac LDraw users? (There are at least a few!) In any case, a generic API could certainly make it easier to create new (...) (17 years ago, 17-Jun-08, to
  dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
Is there anybody that it interested in an dll that comes with objects and methods to handle ldraw related files? It would not be for showing the parts but could be base to develop that. Any comments are welcome. cu mikeheide (17 years ago, 17-Jun-08, to
  Re: New Ldraw parts authors tool: Projector
(...) Hi Mike, Yes, I considered this possibility in the beginning, but I was not convinced by the vectorization process. One key issue is that silk-screened parts are far from perfect (misprints, color registration problems...). I found that (...) (17 years ago, 11-Jun-08, to, lugnet.vikings, lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: New Ldraw parts authors tool: Projector
Reading your tutorial made me wonder whether scans of the orignal parts could be vectorized using Inkscape (Inkscape includes an automatic raster-to-vector converter). The resultant SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file could then maybe be converted (...) (17 years ago, 10-Jun-08, to, lugnet.vikings, lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: Parts requests? (re: x136 and 50944px1)
(...) Excellent... Thank you Philippe! Ryan (17 years ago, 26-May-08, to
  Retrieving tabular/csv inventories of individual sets
Does Peeron provide downloadable tab-delimited inventories for individual sets? I am aware of the "Export My Parts" feature, but as far as I can see that provides an aggregate list of parts from all sets in a user's collection. Is there a way to (...) (17 years ago, 20-May-08, to lugnet.inv,

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