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Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
Thu, 19 Jun 2008 19:48:34 GMT
9934 times
In, Travis Cobbs wrote:
In, Michael Heidemann wrote:
I know that LDView is a very good tool. And I know also that the code is under
But there are people out there (me too) that do not know about C or C++.
So it would be great to have a DLL to handle the core methods (and maybe
objects) for LDraw related file.
I am a programmer by hobby and I think not so bad with VB. But the other
languages I am not familar with and so my wish is to have a DLL that I can use
in my progs for LDraw related files.
If there is somebody (maybe you) that can make a DLL out of the source code I
would be glad, because then I do not need to code that.
Also I am with you that it would be best to have progs that can be used und many
OS. But for real, most people are using Windows.

I really should have responded to your original message before posting my
message about LDView's parser.  As far as I'm concerned, having a public VB
parser for LDraw files would be great.  I won't use it, but if others find it
useful, that's all that really matters.  And LDView's parser won't help VB users
at all.  (I could turn it into a DLL, but turning it into a VB-compatible DLL
would just be too much work.)

Having said all that, you might keep in mind that just because you create it
doesn't necessarily mean that other people are going to use it.  This community
is made up of hobbyists, and for many of us, implementing the parser itself is
interesting and part of the fun of the hobby.  So if you don't have an app in
mind that you want to write that would use your DLL, you might want to wait for
more concrete requests.

Sorry for the confusion.


I should be more clear with VB. I am talking about VBExpress that is a NET
Framework language. As far as I understand with the NET Framework it is possible
to use a DLL that is written in VB also with the other Framework languages.
So maybe it is usefull for more people than we thought about. And there is also
a prog named MONO ( that allows to run NET
programs on Linux if you care about some limitations (at present).

So I will go ahead with my idea and if anybody wants to test he will be welcome.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: dll file for use with Visual Basic Express
(...) I really should have responded to your original message before posting my message about LDView's parser. As far as I'm concerned, having a public VB parser for LDraw files would be great. I won't use it, but if others find it useful, that's (...) (16 years ago, 19-Jun-08, to

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