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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / Primitives / 281
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[DAT] (requires LDraw-compatible viewer)
Re: How do I name this torus?
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 07:27:16 GMT
2838 times
In, Tim Romine writes:

I suppose we should have thought of the 1:1 torus when we worked out the
name-format.  You can't win them all, eh? • :-/

Don't worry, I think the system, once learned, is a good one.  Torii are
pretty complicated shapes to confine to 8+3 dos filenames...  I think this
is probably the best compromise to maintain continuity in LDRAW.

Personally, I'm thinking "t04o9999.dat" is probably the best route to go,
without completely revamping the whole torus-name format.  After all,
"t04o3333.dat" isn't strictly accurate, either, but it's easily understood.
My spreadsheet gives me an error when I try to give it 1 for the major
radius, however, If I give it 1.000001(or something like that) it gives me a
workable file.  The file name is of course t04o0000.dat (.9999 would have
rounded to 1.0000).
Some time ago I spent some time playing with torus files that broke the
rules as we established them, I made the part numbers r04_####.dat.
I was playing with trying to make a POV subsitutable part for the 6909
window piece Mark Kennedy was working on. ex:
1 16 0 40 0  20 0 0  0 -20 0  0 0 20 48\r04o0200.dat
1 16 0 40 0  20 0 0  0 -20 0  0 0 20 48\r04o0180.dat
In this form, the part number in discussion(1mr:1tr) would be r04o0100.dat
(it seems I must have moved the invisible "decimal" point over).
another ex: 0.4mr:1tr would be r04_0250.dat
So far I have only adapted the ro4 format to the "high resolution" sheet.
(Food for thought)  :-)

So let me know when the verdict is in, and I'll submit the primitive (in
it's corrected form, of course).
I have the p/t04o0000.dat and p/48/r04o0100.dat files ready for posting if
you want either one. LMK

Tim Romine
AFOL for life


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: How do I name this torus?
(...) Could we go with t04x0100.dat instead? The 't' would be to keep all the torus files together. Only the 'outer' primitives would be made for these >1:1 toruses, right? (I'm having a hard time figuring out what the 'inner' parts would be good (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jun-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How do I name this torus?
(...) Yes, I can. If you have taken a look at the rough mockups I posted in CAD/PARTS, you will see a reference to a subfile called "fettorus.dat". This is in fact the primitive in question (although scaled up by a factor of 8), and it is used as (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jun-02, to

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