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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 4959
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Minifig Helmets
Newsgroups:, lugnet.db.brictionary
Thu, 11 Dec 2003 07:32:47 GMT
8364 times
Noticed a few odd things about the Minifig Helmets on the Parts Tracker a
few weeks ago
The first thing I noticed is that the newer version of the original helmet
(the thick chinstrap version) has been assigned the new 3DN 593.  I
thought that was kinda strange, since every other time I recall LDraw
tracking two versions of the same basic part (e.g., 4085) the standard has
been to append a,b,etc. to the part number.  I'm surprised that these two
are so different as to merit different unofficial numbers, since I can
barely tell them apart[1].

The more arresting thing is that they've been renamed "Minifig Crash
Helmet. . .".  First thought[2]: that's going to make these parts hard to
find on a list of parts.  Second thought: what the heck is a "crash
helmet"?  A trip to later, third thought: well, that name
applies to the Town usage of these parts, but certainly not the Castle or
Space usages.  Which is odd, because I thought LDraw was moving away from
theme-specific names.  Heck, why not just call them "Town Helmet. . .", at
that rate?

Anyone have any thoughts, knowledge, or wisdom on these
suddenly-mysterious parts?

TWS Garrison
Remove capital letters in address for direct reply.

[1] The distinction between the two is important because the visor only
works with the earlier version.

[2] Because I'm strange.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Minifig Helmets
(...) The single-character suffixes are used, not because parts have multiple versions, but because different parts sometimes have the same number. If a new version of a part comes out with a different number, we'd use the new number when modeling (...) (21 years ago, 11-Dec-03, to, lugnet.db.brictionary)
  Re: Minifig Helmets
(...) I'd like to reach closure on this in preparation for the next parts update. I have re-thought my decsion about 193+593 vs. 193a+193b, mainly in the light of the Classic Window discussion, where we are allowing suffices on 3DNs. And I also take (...) (21 years ago, 17-Feb-04, to, lugnet.db.brictionary)

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