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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 4755
4754  |  4756
Re: New Primitive Class
Sun, 6 Jul 2003 18:18:42 GMT
2513 times
In, Paul Easter wrote:

This topic still needs some approval before we nac move it to finalization.
We have been discussing torii(toruses) where the tube radius is equal or greater
than the major radius.
This only works for the outside sections since the inside section of the torus
will fold in on itself.
Basically what I need to know is what letter should lead the filename. Currently
I am using "r", but I think this can be confused with "ring"

The outside sections can be used in several places, especially 2x2 cylinder
parts like 30151 and 553.
I believe there are other applications too.

John Riley is waiting for this to be wrapped up since he is trying to update or
create some parts.

If we can only create outside sections,[1] why not keep the leading t,
but change the i/o/q?  Maybe x, for extended?

As for the ratio decimals in the file name, instead of noting the
tube:major ratio (which is >1), use the inverse major:tube ratio (which
will be <1).

So the referenced r0401500.dat would become t04x6666.dat (following
Travis' suggestion, about treating nnnn notations as being exactly n/9).

As for the 1:1 torii, I'm OK with either of the earlier suggestions:
or   t04o9999.dat

1) Actually, we could create inside sections, but they probably would
only extend to the Y axis, not all way to the X-Z plane.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Primitive Class
(...) This topic still needs some approval before we nac move it to finalization. We have been discussing torii(toruses) where the tube radius is equal or greater than the major radius. This only works for the outside sections since the inside (...) (22 years ago, 4-Jul-03, to

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