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Can someone help me to do a interactive movie?
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 11:31:15 GMT
484 times
Can someone make with Macromedia flash or something like it
a interactive movie where we can see a train moving but the
user can press "lets say a key " to stop the train "the
video train_front_static.avi" then if he/she wants the train
"the video train_front_static.avi" to continue the same
direction that it was going the train continues but if he/she
does not want to continue the train in the same direction then
we play train_back_static.avi from the frame that the train
stoped "lets say it was number 20 well the we start
train_back_static.avi front frame 20" another thing the user
can do is "if possible" change the camera view for now the are
2 camera view all this is a 4 videos showing the same train.
Please e-mail me if someone want to make this for me and i'll
send the video of the train, I thing this is a great idea and is
going to work please help me as I can't do it in Multimedia Builder
because there is no commands for what I need and I don't understand
Macromedia ways.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Can someone help me to do a interactive movie?
(...) Eduardo, This is actually fairly easy to do in Flash, but horribly time intensive. There are to my knowlede no programs that allow you to run a movie backwards unless you use a highend non-linear editor. I am not even certain if Apple's Final (...) (23 years ago, 10-Jun-02, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Can someone help me to do a interactive movie?
Eduardo I'm not sure about the details of Macromedia, however, the Quicktime file format allows the allocation of multiple video tracks and a control can be built to step between which one is visible at any one time (ie multiple views of the (...) (23 years ago, 10-Jun-02, to lugnet.cad)

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