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Re: Can someone help me to do a interactive movie?
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 12:40:46 GMT
463 times
In lugnet.cad, Eduardo Vazquez Harte writes:
Can someone make with Macromedia flash or something like it
a interactive movie where we can see a train moving but the
user can press "lets say a key " to stop the train "the
video train_front_static.avi" then if he/she wants the train
"the video train_front_static.avi" to continue the same
direction that it was going the train continues but if he/she
does not want to continue the train in the same direction then
we play train_back_static.avi from the frame that the train
stoped "lets say it was number 20 well the we start
train_back_static.avi front frame 20" another thing the user
can do is "if possible" change the camera view for now the are
2 camera view all this is a 4 videos showing the same train.
Please e-mail me if someone want to make this for me and i'll
send the video of the train, I thing this is a great idea and is
going to work please help me as I can't do it in Multimedia Builder
because there is no commands for what I need and I don't understand
Macromedia ways.



This is actually fairly easy to do in Flash, but horribly time intensive. There
are to my knowlede no programs that allow you to run a movie backwards unless
you use a highend non-linear editor. I am not even certain if Apple's Final Cut
Pro 3 or Adobe's Premiere 6 can do this (please if you know they can respond to

The way that you can do this in Flash takes a bit of time and you will actually
need to create two movies, the forward running one and the reverse running one.
There are plenty of tutorials on how to convert a movie (avi or mpeg or mov
file) to a Flash file so look at any one of a dozen sites like,, etc. Several books will also assist in taking you step by step
through the process.

Once you have brought the movie into the Flash program, make the movie its own
movie in the library. Call it forward. Make a couple buttons that stop the play
of the movie and play the movie forward (play and stop buttons). Then check to
make certain this is working correctly, i.e. the play should start the movie
and the stop should stop the movie. Fortunately, their are commands present in
Flash that make this simple to do.

Next you will need to make an exact copy of the movie in the library. Now open
that library element, create a second layer and begin taking each frame, one at
a time and re-order from back to front. I know, I know, this doesn't exactly
sound like a lot of fun and it will take time, a lot of time. Unfortunately,
unless Macromedia changed something with Flash 6 (the new MX) I know of no way
to run the play head backwards. Then program a third button, the reverse button
to run the movie backwards.

That is the easy, but time intensive way of doing it. I have actually tried a
mathematical way but have yet to get it working satisfactorily. The
mathematical way aims to discern the present location of the movie play frame,
lets say frame 100. If the movie is 2000 frames long then the corresponding
frame for the movie in reverse should be frame 1900. Jumping to that frame is a
relatively simple prospect but putting the reversing movie over top of the
forwarding movie is not. I ended up jumping to a different frame in the main
movie. The main movie then has two sections, the forward running section and
the backward running section.

The backward running section has three frames that run the movie backwards. The
first frame gets the current frame of the movie, 1900, and attaches it to a
variable name. The second frame of the main movie reverse section subtracts one
and movies the play head of the movie frame (in the reversing movie) using a
gotoAndStop command. In theory the movie should play back one frame, 1899. The
third frame in the main movie reverse section tells the main movie play head to
go back to the first frame in the main movie reverse section. That's where it
gets the current frame of the reversing movie, 1899. I haven't actually
finished this part yet, so if you try it let me know how it works.

If you can find a non-linear editor that will make the movie in reverse you
will save yourself a lot of headaches. The key will be making certain that the
two movies in Flash sync up (the frames in the beginning of the forward running
movies correspond in number to frames at the back of the reverse running movie.

Hope this helps.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Can someone help me to do a interactive movie?
In lugnet.cad, Todd Thuma writes: ommands for what I need and I don't understand (...) Yes it does but is to long I was thing a faster way I know how to do it in Delphi but Delphi is not great for multimedia so I'll try it with flash in another way (...) (23 years ago, 10-Jun-02, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Can someone help me to do a interactive movie?
Can someone make with Macromedia flash or something like it a interactive movie where we can see a train moving but the user can press "lets say a key " to stop the train "the video train_front_static.avi" then if he/she wants the train "the video (...) (23 years ago, 10-Jun-02, to lugnet.cad)

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