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Re: It's all about perspective (was Re: Teaser for all you Terragen Addicts :P)
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 05:09:31 GMT
1256 times
In lugnet.cad, Bram Lambrecht writes:
Ahui Herrera writes:
Click on BigModel.jpg
I guess the minifigs have found a 'small world' =)

You do know that in the "object { mymodel_dot_ldr ... }" line near the
very end of your pov file, you can add "scale .1" before the } to shrink
the model, right?  You can also use translate <x,y,z> and rotate <x,y,z>
to change the orientation of the model.  Note that if scale comes after
translate, it will scale the translation.  If it comes before, the
translation will not be scaled.

Ahhh, I see what I was doiong wrong.  I was putting the scale command and
the very end.  No wonder my images were all messed up.  Well I finally got
it, somewhat decent image.

Check it out here:

However, the rotate command doesn't seem to be workig correclty.  I type in
rotate <x,y,z> and the results are way off.. either the model is out of the
screen or the movement is too small.  I think it has to do with the center
of the POV universe NOT being on the plane model?

Any suggestions?  The POV file for the image is in the same folder as the
image above.

Message is in Reply To:
  RE: It's all about perspective (was Re: Teaser for all you Terragen Addicts :P)
(...) You do know that in the "object { mymodel_dot_ldr ... }" line near the very end of your pov file, you can add "scale .1" before the } to shrink the model, right? You can also use translate <x,y,z> and rotate <x,y,z> to change the orientation (...) (23 years ago, 28-Mar-02, to lugnet.cad)

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