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Re: Teaser for all you Terragen Addicts :P
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 04:00:44 GMT
717 times
In lugnet.cad, Kai Brodersen writes:
In lugnet.cad, Ahui Herrera writes:

Lucky! I can't afford the $35 to register... without sky and grass, Forester
loses some of its purpose.  Please give us more information!

John Kruer

I have the unregistered version of Forester.  In that version YOU CAN add a
sky with clouds.  It is 3D clouds that you can NOT add or the grass. There
are ways around this off course.  1) Buy it or 2) 'think on the non-legit side'

In any case the next big challenge is inserting your model in the .pov file
that forester/terragen give you.  It's not a simple as a cut and paste. =(
Well it is but it isnot.  Problem is in moving and getting your model in teh
right location. =(  Working on this right now but need some help.

You can use the rotational option in Forester- and using the model choord on
the map

What do you mean?  Can I import a .pov file into forester in order to place it?
Are you saying that I can create my lego-plane .pov file and then somehow
import it?  I did not think this was possible?  Perhaps an easier thing to
do, although I'm NOT quite sure how or how easy it is to create LEGO objects
for forester.  Hum.. this would requre us to create a '3d' object right?

I know it may be confusing, but fiddle around with the program.  It gets
really easy.  I'll show you some of my stuff when some of this work load
lightens :(

How do I MOVE a model's location in pov?  I know it's the object {...} that
is the final model but how do I move it?

BTW, any of you attending Brickfest?  I could hold a demonstration or setup
a display if you are interested.....

Unless my next job rotation (coming up in Mid-may early june) is to DC I
won't be attending bricksfest.  At this point there is a 50/50 possibility
that my next job rotation is to DC.  It's not my first choice, however, as I
just want to go home (Chicagoland area) for my next rotation.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Teaser for all you Terragen Addicts :P
snip (...) Well, you don't need pov-ray other than to make the actual file. You need to get the .pov file into a .inc file WITHOUT any camera, background etc. Just the pure mesh :) Its quite complicated, remember there will be a tutorial for this in (...) (23 years ago, 27-Mar-02, to lugnet.cad)
  It's all about perspective (was Re: Teaser for all you Terragen Addicts :P)
<snip> (...) Well here is my 1st attempt at cut/paste of my ldraw model into forester and then thru POV. (URL) on BigModel.jpg I guess the minifigs have found a 'small world' =) AHui (23 years ago, 28-Mar-02, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Teaser for all you Terragen Addicts :P
(...) You can use the rotational option in Forester- and using the model choord on the map I know it may be confusing, but fiddle around with the program. It gets really easy. I'll show you some of my stuff when some of this work load lightens :( (...) (23 years ago, 27-Mar-02, to lugnet.cad)

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