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Re: Datsville Overview Map (Was: Boundary Box Utility)
Thu, 16 Aug 2001 16:23:52 GMT
903 times
Here is another idea for optimizing dat models.  It isn't a very good one, but,
it just seems more realistic than what I said earlier (writing a utility smart
enough to optimize an entire model).

One could write a utility that presents each polygon to the user and asks to
keep it or get rid of it.  Then it writes a flat file of polygons (rather than
file references) that represents the model.

The optimized model would not be very editable.  And it would take a long time
to optimize a big model.  But if one plans on making alot of renderings with the
one model, then it might be worth it.

The boundary box utility could also make obvious choices (like, if it is visible
from outside of the boundary box, it wont even ask.

Just an idea.



James Reynolds

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Datsville Overview Map (Was: Boundary Box Utility)
(...) I think realtime rendering qualifies as above statement (24 years ago, 17-Aug-01, to lugnet.cad,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Datsville Overview Map (Was: Boundary Box Utility)
This is great! An idea: if bitmaps were created of the model from 6 directions (left, right, bottom, top, front, back), you could texture map those to the boundary box (inside, to make sort of a 6 point, 3 plane cross intersecting in the center) and (...) (24 years ago, 16-Aug-01, to lugnet.cad,

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