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Re: New to digital LEGO
lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.cad
Mon, 8 May 2000 23:12:30 GMT
68 times
Christopher Weeks wrote:
Thanks for the response.  I am using LEdit.  But, I don't get how to use the
fake part line,

In LEdit, you can use the menu sequence { / -> (T)urn -> (C)enter } to move
the center of rotation over to the centerpoint of the current piece.  Any
piece you rotate will then turn around that centerpoint.

I use the fake part line as a weak placeholder (1) for that center of
rotation.  Crosshairs appear over the fake part if that part is in focus.  I
can navigate the fake part around to where I want to locate the center of
rotation, at which point I use the /->T->C sequence to anchor the new
rotational center.

or how editing the center of rotation will change the output to
POV code.

The relationship betweeb LDraw/LEdit and POV-Ray is one-way.  Once you make
rotational changes to your DAT in LEdit, you can generate a new POV file with
the new rotations from the DAT.

- jsproat

1.  It's important to note that the relationship between my fake part line and
the center of rotation is weak.  IOW, if I move the rotational center without
moving the fake part to the same coordinates, the relationship is broken.

Jeremy H. Sproat <> ~~~
I think the mistake a lot of us make
  is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New to digital LEGO
(...) Is (...) when (...) easy, (...) Thanks for the response. I am using LEdit. But, I don't get how to use the fake part line, or how editing the center of rotation will change the output to POV code. thanks, Chris (25 years ago, 7-May-00, to lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.cad)

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