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Re: Online LCAD???
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 05:47:52 GMT
833 times
In lugnet.cad, Michael Horvath writes:
Anyone interested in creating the online version of LCAD (I use that term
loosely)?  It would be cool to be able to act and interact in real time on a
server.  E.G. Take a cruise with a Harley gang through Datsville,then exit
into, for example, West Interdatsville...  or something.  City government,
real estate, all on an ever-expanding geodesic globe (ever read "Snow Crash"
by N. Stephenson?).  Everyone has a chance to get their own plot of landscape,
even rearrange the order like you would rearrange a list of files on a
harddrive.  I don't know...  I can't do it.  That's for sure!
Thought it would be cool.  : )

I didn't think about the processor power required.  It's just that I've been
playing EverQuest for a while, and I know that Lego came out with a program
where you can build and play in models (thought a combination of the two would
be great).  Great rendering is not a priotity with me (I know how time
consuming POVray can be).  And, by the way I DO have a computer to donate :)
(albeit an old 486) !
Thanks for the replies, though.  I'll check out that page...

PS Anyone thought of texture-mapping photographs of your faces onto Lego heads?
It would be funny if we could get a 'Lego' figurine of every member of LugNet
on a members' page, or something.

Message is in Reply To:
  Online LCAD???
Anyone interested in creating the online version of LCAD (I use that term loosely)? It would be cool to be able to act and interact in real time on a server. E.G. Take a cruise with a Harley gang through Datsville,then exit into, for example, West (...) (25 years ago, 8-Dec-99, to lugnet.cad)

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