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Re: T-16 Skyhopper
Tue, 24 Aug 1999 14:55:28 GMT
943 times
John, I just get an error message

The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL:
The following FTP error was encountered:
     /pub/povray/incoming/utilities/ No such file or
This means that:
    The given URL does not exist, or is not readable.

How did you get it??


"Every day it's a war. I have to pray to God to give me strength
for all this. Before, I had no one to lean on. Now I know I can
call on my Lord."  Napoleon Kaufman

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

On 8/24/1999, at 10:06 AM, John VanZwieten wrote:

Bram Lambrecht <> wrote in message •

Great use of the Snow Speeder pieces!
Is the background a height_field?  If so, what resolution • image did you use?
How did you generate the image?

Yes, it's a height field generated by Terrain Maker, which can • be found at the
bottom of: •
This is really a great little DOS program for generating and • modifying terrain
for POV.  It includes an example file showing how to use the • output.  It only
took me half a day to find it, too :(  Saw some great POV • images while on the
hunt, though.

Are the clouds straight from the POV
documentation, or did you change them somehow?

They are actually from the example file of Terrain Maker, but • they're based on
POV documented textures.

Here's the code:
#declare Mysky = sphere

texture {
   finish {reflection 0.0 diffuse 0.0 ambient 1.0}
                                     //  The sky object is • just shell
                                     //  with sky texture on • the inside.
                                     //  Note that the shell • has the
                                     //  no_shadow modifier. • This is
                                     // so I can put the light • source
                                     // on the outside.
difference {
    sphere { <0,0,0>,1}
    object {Mysky}

    scale <3000,500,3000>
    texture {
         finish {reflection 0.0 diffuse 0.0 ambient 1.0}


-John Van

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: T-16 Skyhopper
Try here: (URL) about that. I just looked at my history to find the url, forgeting that I couldn't get it at the povray site either. -John Van Scott R Dennett <> wrote in message (...) (25 years ago, 24-Aug-99, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: T-16 Skyhopper
Bram Lambrecht <> wrote in message (...) Yes, it's a height field generated by Terrain Maker, which can be found at the bottom of: (URL) is really a great little DOS program for generating and modifying (...) (25 years ago, 24-Aug-99, to lugnet.cad)

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