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Re: Fallingwater landscape
Wed, 26 May 1999 08:34:46 GMT
1188 times
Bram Lambrecht:

In lugnet.cad, Jacob Sparre Andersen writes:
[about the fractal landscape generator]
It uses 1x1x5 bricks when you run it with the flag -minimal.

Is the latest version on your website? [1]  The files from
there don't seem to support the -minimal tag.

Sounds like I should update the files (and the documentation).

Also, could you add some more documentation on how to use
the programs, or give me some hints to get started
(especially about what the PGM file has to look like--it
seems that the only program I have that outputs that
format always makes the numbers much bigger).

Most image processing software will rescale the values to
0-255, so as the last step before you pipe the grey-map
through pgm_to_ldraw you should rescale the grey-scale
values to the range 0-<maximum landscape height in plates>.


Play well,


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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Fallingwater landscape
(...) That'd be great. (...) Could pgm_to_ldraw be changed so that it sets the height for the landscape and does the scaling (rounded off to plate heights) instead of fracland setting the heights? That would make creating landscapes much easier! (...) (26 years ago, 26-May-99, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Fallingwater landscape
(...) Is the latest version on your website? [1] The files from there don't seem to support the -minimal tag. Also, could you add some more documentation on how to use the programs, or give me some hints to get started (especially about what the PGM (...) (26 years ago, 26-May-99, to lugnet.cad)

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