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Re: Counting Parts in MPD file
Mon, 13 Aug 2007 21:03:49 GMT
3103 times
In lugnet.cad, Timothy Gould wrote:

Or, you could load the MPD into LDView 3.2 Beta 1 and generate a parts list.
(Of course, as the author of LDView, I wouldn't be biased at all. ;-)

Or just select Piece Count from Bricksmith's Tools menu. :-)

Or load it in Brickstore, where you can also check the current price of all the
parts on Bricklink ;)


Or do an MPD part check on Peeron ;)

Or create a Bill of Materials using LPub!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Counting Parts in MPD file
--snip-- (...) Or do an MPD part check on Peeron ;) (18 years ago, 10-Aug-07, to lugnet.cad)

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