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Re: Using Blender to animate Ldraw models
Sat, 8 Jul 2006 00:05:16 GMT
1859 times
W00T another Blenderhead!  :)

I've tried to make an animation out of one of Tim Gould's mechs, with minimal
sucess.  However, it seems easier to seperate the object to be animated into the
various parts that are going to move, and parent those to the bone.  I find
vertex groups...confusing and annoying, to say the least.

And yes, Blender's coords system is oriented different from everything else, so
they always come in standing on their butt and HUGE.  Just scale 'em down and
rotate 'em and yer golden.  :)  Another thing - ctrl+a (apply transform) and
alt+o (clear origin) are your friends.  I think there are other commands as well
that prove immensely useful.

Hope that helps.  :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Using Blender to animate Ldraw models
Hello, I have been working on using Blender to animate Ldraw models. Using Yann Vernier's import scripts and suggestions, and with additional suggestions from Carsten Mueller, I have been able to import models, but I am seeing a few strange things (...) (19 years ago, 2-Jul-06, to lugnet.cad)

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