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Howto on : BFC "Hold" on 47457.dat
Mon, 1 Nov 2004 03:10:07 GMT
954 times
I got an e-mail notice that a review of 47457.dat revealed BFC errors.  I really
don't know how to check for BFC compliance.  All I did was to turn the part
around to see if any of it was red.  I know there's a caveat that some lines
bleed red.  I believe I saw red emanating from lines.  Actually, I'm not so sure
where the red is coming from nor how to properly detect it (as opposed to
excusing it as a typical "line" bleed).

Unfortunately, one major disadvantage is that I am color-blind.

So, if any of you kind souls would point out the cause of the BFC error, I would
be most appreciative.

I've also been wanting to put Type 5 (T5) lines on the curved surface and
re-sorting the code so it starts from the inside-out. I also want to insert the
small ridge features on the inside of the brick.  I believe they might help
re-inforce the anti-stud's connective property.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Howto on : BFC "Hold" on 47457.dat
Given that the part isn't BFC-certified (no BFC comments in the file at all), it by definition cannot contain any BFC errors. For reasons I don't understand, L3Lab is displaying it as if it were BFC-certified. I would suggest pointing out to Steffan (...) (20 years ago, 1-Nov-04, to lugnet.cad)

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