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Re: SpiderWalker rides again!
Thu, 4 Mar 1999 15:00:59 GMT
1537 times (Todd Lehman) writes:

I made a really small rendering config for doing 80x60 no-AA, which
gives a pretty quick turnaround time when tweaking the camera and
brightnesses.  Lars's quality setting options were extremely helpful
too.  :)

Yup, that's what I use too.  It's a really quick way to experiment with
the settings.

Anyway, yeah, I'd sure like to add a tiny bit of fog and a starry
background sometime.

With the ground fog, just remember that you need to flip it upside
down.  In LDraw (and L3P), the Y axis points downwards, which means the
ground fog becomes ceiling fog by default in POV-Ray.  This had me very
confused for some time when I did a foggy scene.

Maybe I'll try conical light sources too -- the way the eyes "glow"
is kind of fun, but I really originally wanted them to be more like

One nice thing with conical light sources is that rendering the scene is
much quicker when you use atmosphere or anything else that looks like
fog to interact with the light.  Conical light sources means that
POV-Ray only has to integrate over the cones, not over the whole scene.
As far as I remember, anyway.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: SpiderWalker rides again!
(...) Inside the round 1x1 plates. 1 LDU from the topmost face, I think. (...) Hmm, I didn't think of using conical light's been a very long time (~6 years) since I've used POV, so I didn't tweak the .pov file much. A conical light (...) (26 years ago, 4-Mar-99, to lugnet.cad)

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