Latest WIP shot
Wed, 29 Mar 2006 21:54:50 GMT
1667 times
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Cheers again for all comments and ideas...
Here is a slightly blurry shot of how its looking so far.
The gun needs a little work yet but Im happy with the shield design. Its a fine
balancing act between what looks good and what the arm joints can support.
I played around with various skirt designs, but struggled to find the sweet spot
to attach it to the waist area. I also need to add a booster pack which Im
working on as I write this. All attempts so far have caused the mecha to fall
backwards! Oh yeah it was the MSZ-006Z series of Gundam that I based the design
on, not the ZZ as I mentioned earlier... DOH!
Message has 4 Replies: | | Re: Latest WIP shot
| (...) I think that's classic LEGO mecha works right there. Ok, nobody breath... I have such a love/hate relationship with that. Looks great, just don't look look too hard. (...) Definantly classic LEGO mecha. :) (...) This is looking great Jas, I'm (...) (19 years ago, 29-Mar-06, to, FTX)
| | | Re: Latest WIP shot
| Hello Jas, as I really don't like Gundam I mostly ignore them. This time I didn't. You did a great job so far. Great use of color. Also like the spotlighting stickers. Maybe I have to rethink my opinion about stickers in general? Curious to see more (...) (19 years ago, 30-Mar-06, to, FTX)
| | | Re: Latest WIP shot
| (...) it's nice. it's very nice. if it keeps on improving, logically you should end up with The Ulitmate Lego Mecha. (...) there's probably some way to make the joints stronger... (19 years ago, 30-Mar-06, to
| | | Re: Latest WIP shot
| (...) Yeah, it's pretty obviously a stand-in right now. MAHQ has weapon lineart for a lot of stuff, might be a good idea to poke around and steal bits from several. I'm partial to (URL) this one> myself. (...) Good stuff. Excellent stickers. Where (...) (19 years ago, 3-Apr-06, to, FTX)
Message is in Reply To:
| | WIP - Comments and suggestions much appreciated
| Hi all, Just thought I'd post a WIP of my latest Mecha. Its been a while since I've built anything and I have now got a pretty good storage system for my bricks, so it was a joy building this. (URL) The design is loosely based on the ZZ Gundam (saw (...) (19 years ago, 5-Mar-06, to, FTX)
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