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 Building / Mecha / 14252
14251  |  14253
Re: WIP - Comments and suggestions much appreciated
Sun, 5 Mar 2006 20:05:21 GMT
2007 times
Jas wrote:
Just thought I'd post a WIP of my latest Mecha. Its been a while since I've
built anything and I have now got a pretty good storage system for my bricks, so
it was a joy building this.


holy crap, that's a work in ~progress~?! it's wonderful!
perhaps some more shots would highlight any areas of weakness - you said
about a backpack and we can't see what the back looks like at the
moment; but if that were mine, I'd be happy to call it finished! But
then I know nothing about Gundam.
One tiny detail that I might look into: the 1x2 inverted slope on the
forehead - maybe the hole doesn't look quite right? Hmmm. Dunno. Again -
More pictures?

Oh - does it want a weapon?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: WIP - Comments and suggestions much appreciated
Hey, Good point about the angles, here's some more pics... (2 URLs) The rear is not really finished yet as you can see, thats why I was going to use a Back pack of some description but not sure what sort of style, winged or boosters, or a mix of (...) (19 years ago, 5-Mar-06, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  WIP - Comments and suggestions much appreciated
Hi all, Just thought I'd post a WIP of my latest Mecha. Its been a while since I've built anything and I have now got a pretty good storage system for my bricks, so it was a joy building this. (URL) The design is loosely based on the ZZ Gundam (saw (...) (19 years ago, 5-Mar-06, to, FTX)  

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